Game Commentary
Twitch Broadcast
Thanks to the EGF support, the 25th European Youth Go Championships will have the broadcast on the official EGF Twitch channel for the first time. The broadcast will be arranged by Li Yue, 5d, and assisted by Catalin Taranu, 5p. The top game in each age group will be broadcast to the Kiseido Go Server (KGS). In addition, the games played on board 2 in each age group will be automatically recorded using the Baduk Cap software on three Apple iPad Minis.
Game Analysis
During the European Youth Go Championships, it is essential to have a high-quality analysis of games which just finished. Kim Young-sam, 8d, the strongest go-player living in Europe according to the European Go Database, affiliated with Jena International Go School (JIGS), is going to be the official EYGC go-teacher, helping young players to detect the mistakes and find better moves in future games.