
European Go Federation and other sponsors provided a nice prize pool for the 25th EYGC. In all age groups, only best-placed players can make a choice from the pool provided by EGF. The explanation for the symbols (*, **, ***) is given below.

Category U12:

  • 3 x WYGC 2020 *
  • 1 x voucher ** for 200 EUR.

Category U16:

  • 3 x WYGC 2020 *
  • 1 x voucher ** for 400 EUR,
  • 1 x voucher ** for 200 EUR.

Category U20:

  • 1 x Globis Cup 2020 ***
  • 1 x wildcard (guaranteed place) for the EC with a voucher** for 300 EUR,
    or a voucher ** for 500 EUR without a wildcard (guaranteed place for the EC),
  • 1 x wildcard (guaranteed place) for the EC with a voucher** for 100 EUR,
    or a voucher ** for 300 EUR without a wildcard (guaranteed place for the EC).

Each player with 5 or 6 wins in any category will get a special prize.
Best girl in each category will get the free accommodation at the SEYGO Tour Summer Go Camp in Zaostrog, Croatia, 29th June – 6th July 2020.

*) World Youth Go Championships (for U12 and U16 categories) has been postponed – probably for November 2020, the date will be known 6 months in advance. According to the WYGC rules, no player can participate in the same category twice within three years and two players from the same country cannot participate in the same category.

**) Vouchers can be used for teaching / tournament activities. A list of possibilities for using the voucher will be available by the middle of February 2020.

***) The Globis Cup will be held in autumn in Tokyo. The deadlines previously mentioned are not valid.